Planting Paradise


Change of plans ... CALL FOR SPONSORS

This Blog will from now on fulfill a different function. 3 days after it was started, il already helped clear the ongoing process of/for creation; which Planting Paradise is.

Thanks to the ease of working with BlogSpot, i today realised that i can change the whole way in which i work.
It was by working on the BlogSpots together with the integral website, that i saw how i can actually change my whole life and lifestyle...

  • This is what emerged:
I will stop working for others, but dedicate my work to my life for my life work.
Planting Paradise.
I will ask others for support for living, for doing the work that i do.
Paradise Planter.

The results of my work can be made available, directly, via the BlogLists, and in more condensed form in the Web Sites.

  • This i foresee as follows.

The BlogSpots will become the running JOURNAL, a diarrhoeal diuretic diary.

In working on the ongoing presentation that is part of Planting Paradise (a verb), there is a harvest; this will be presented in the ParadisePlanter website, which Tiscali helped me create today. (I was entitled to an extra free email address with their subscription, which comes with a 5Mb site, which can now serve as portal to the work on the other sites.

The ParadisePlanter web site will be the Project Progress REPORT.

This will be where i describe the progress of the project; it will be the direct reference base for my sponsors to see what is happening, what needs are to be met, and what results come from the work.

My Planting Paradise web site will integrate all my work as in a MANUAL

All the work in my various web sites will come together. It is the laboratory of the artist-scientist-mystic-healer. It will at times be a turmoil. It is the cruxible, the place for refinement, concentration, condensation, where daily lead is burned into gold, and the dark fuels the light.

The Planting Paradise web site will present it to humanity as an ORGANISATION.

The refined product can then be presented, in the form of an Organisation (yet to be created). On this site too, the opening line will be: do you wish to sponsor. The first beneficiary however will be Earth, and Humanity, as each human that participates to become planter of paradise, themselves.


Are you willing to support this work?

  • At present i live on € 500/month, which works.

  • What i ask you is to contribute € 10/month, i.e. € 120/year.

Are you willing to support me, thus this work, with € 123/year?

if so:

IBAN: NL64 PSTB 0002 6451 34; BIC: BSTBNL21


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